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vietnam russia ukraine

Vietnam Russia Ukraine - Russia may sleepwalk into a Vietnam-like war in Ukraine. It faced fierce resistance from guerrilla fighters backed by U.S. Special Forces.

Vladimir Putin mobilizes 100,000 troops along Ukraine's border But neighbors hope that any offensive will drive Kremlin forces into the dead zone in a protracted and bloody conflict.

Vietnam Russia Ukraine

Vietnam Russia Ukraine

Fears grew that Putin might order his troops to blitz for a quick victory over Ukraine.

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But behind it United States Special Forces Green Berets Hundreds of soldiers are working with Ukrainians to ensure bloodshed in Russia.

The CIA is also working on secret training that teaches Ukrainians how to "How to kill Russians," said a former agency official.

And the Ukrainian forces were armed with anti-tank weapons from the UK. which guerrilla forces use to create killing grounds for large numbers of Russian forces.

Although initially outnumbered by the Russian forces, But now it is widely believed that Ukrainians "Radical nationalists" plan to continue the war.

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Colonel Richard Kemp, a defense analyst, told The Sun Online it was "certainly possible" Russia could become involved in a Vietnam-style war.

The UK snow joke saw up to 8 inches of snow following a snow warning issued in a -10C arctic blast.

“Need help from the United States. United Kingdom and other countries in the form of weapons and intelligence,” said Col. Kemp, commander of British forces in Afghanistan.

Vietnam Russia Ukraine

“If Russian forces invade Ukraine they will pay. But NATO forces will not drive them out.”

Vietnam And Thailand Abstain From Un Vote To Condemn Russia's Ukraine Annexation — Radio Free Asia

“That kind of war is the only option for the Ukrainian people to defend their sovereignty. Both sides will lose a lot of lives.”

Senior military officer and former U.S. Army leader warn the Russians that They will face the same insurgency they faced during the 10-year occupation of Afghanistan.

Former U.S. Assistant Secretary of Defense Lawrence Korb said he recently traveled to Russia to warn Ukraine against aggression against the U.S. experience in Vietnam.

He wrote in The National Interest, "During my time in Moscow, It is clear that Russia will not annex the Ukrainian army like it was in 2014.”

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"It is likely that US efforts It will be similar to the US experience in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan,” as Ukraine reportedly prepared to counter Russia using guerrilla tactics.

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Rob Clarke, a defense policy aide for the Henry Jackson Society, told The Sun Online that attacking Russia would be "100 percent" a guerrilla war backed by the United States.

Vietnam Russia Ukraine

He said the potential for such conflicts is "Because of the nationalism and pride of the Ukrainian people."

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“Ukrainian conservative forces will quickly be overwhelmed in a matter of weeks. Civilians and reserves will fight and the will is there,” he said.

“You can expect massive funding from the CIA for guerrilla warfare. There are also American troops on the ground to help the Ukrainians. Even if they weren't actually fighting.

"Any aggression will be incredibly short, quick and bloody," he said, and that Putin's goal is to "May try to go as far as the capital Kiev. for regime change and the return of pro-Russian leaders.”

“Putin wants a decisive, short-term advance to win concessions from the West. Anything longer than March and April would be politically too expensive for him.

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“If he drags them into bloody guerrilla warfare It would cause him to quickly lose support for the Russian forces.”

Andriy Zagorodniuk, Ukraine's former defense minister, said that his country's armed forces had become "Tough battle" after eight years of fighting against Russia.

A poll written to the Atlantic Council said one in three Ukrainians said they were ready to take up arms.

Vietnam Russia Ukraine

Veterans, reservists, special forces and "a lot of volunteers" will make Ukraine build. "Thousands High Mobile Group" to attack Russia

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“This makes it almost impossible for the Kremlin to establish any administration over the occupied territories or to secure supply lines,” he said.

British Army Secretary James Heeppie warned that war might erupt "Just a few more days," and said Putin should have known he would lose.

“If someone tells Putin in Moscow this is a war in which tens of thousands of people will die and without bloodshed, He is lying,” he told the BBC.

After speaking on the LBC program, he feared that Putin might be tempted to aggression without fully considering the consequences.

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“I think there is a high chance he will do it. And I think it's a stupid thing to do,” he said.

“No way, because I'm afraid Putin might believe that Ukrainians are ready to welcome him as their savior.

“I was in Kiev last week. And what I see is a sovereign and proud nation facing existential threats. Vietnam welcomes the ongoing negotiations between Ukraine and Russia. Vietnam will soon find a long-term peaceful resolution of differences. according to international law And take into account the legitimate rights and interests of various parties. Relatedly, said Le Thi Thu Hong, spokesman for Vietnam's Foreign Ministry.

Vietnam Russia Ukraine

HANOI (VNA) - Vietnam welcomes ongoing talks between Ukraine and Russia. and hope that the two sides will find a long-term peaceful solution to their differences in accordance with international law. And take into account the rights and legitimate interests of the parties. Relatedly, Vietnamese Foreign Ministry Le Thi Thu Hong said that

Vietnam Caught Between The U.s. And Russia On Ukraine

Responding to reporters' questions about the situation in Ukraine at a regular press conference held by the online ministry on March 3, Hong said that Vietnam has ASEAN consensus on the ASEAN Foreign Ministers' statement on the situation in Ukraine. Published Feb. 26 in a speech by Vietnam's Permanent Representative to the UN at the emergency meeting of the UN General Assembly on March 1.

Vietnam calls for compliance with international law and the United Nations Charter. and settlement of disputes by peaceful means in accordance with the fundamental principles of international law and the Charter of the United Nations. In particular, the principle respects harassment, sovereignty and territorial integrity of nations and does not interfere. They should not be used or coerced in each other's internal affairs and international relations, she said.

Vietnam is deeply concerned about the ongoing armed conflict in Ukraine. And she stressed that the parties involved should exercise restraint. abstaining from using force and avoid civilian casualties and damage.

Hong expressed the hope that the parties To comply with the safety, security and essential needs of the people. and protect infrastructures under international humanitarian law.

Russia Can't Let Ukraine Turn Into A Vietnam War 2.0

Vietnam supports the international community and should facilitate negotiations. and increased donations and humanitarian assistance to more people, she said.

Vietnam urges relevant parties to conduct rigorous safety and security checks. and creating favorable conditions for foreign immigration in Ukraine. including Vietnamese, when necessary, the spokesman added.

The Standing Committee of the National Assembly has decided to open the 3rd Extraordinary Session of the 15th Legislative Assembly to consider personnel affairs under its jurisdiction.

Vietnam Russia Ukraine

Vietnam's Mekong Delta province of Vinh Long is an important partner for his province in key sectors, said Om Riatre, governor of Cambodia's Banteay Meanchey province.

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Jean-Pierre Lacroix, Secretary-General of the United Nations Praise Vietnam's enthusiastic newspapers and strong contributions to UN peacekeeping operations. as well as the country's commitment to follow the goals of the United Nations. Especially the proportion of Vietnamese peacekeepers who are women.

Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha welcomed Anzuska Weil, Switzerland-Vietnam Friendship Association. in Davos on January 15 (local time) as part of a visit to Switzerland for the World Economic Forum 2023 Annual Meeting.

Joey Putey, Counselor at the Cuban Embassy Affirmed that his country supports Vietnam in every situation. Especially the recent negotiations of the Paris Agreement. As Russia launches a massive military offensive against Ukraine, Hanoi, Moscow's closest ally in Southeast Asia Critical arguments with principles calling for restraint

Vietnam's media, on the other hand, have detailed coverage of the conflict. Surprisingly, none of their usual prejudices are in favor of Russia.

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When the so-called Euromaidan protest movement shook Ukraine in 2014, when the conflict between Russia and Ukraine led to Russia's annexation of Crimea. Vietnam's official media often blamed the crisis on the "West" U.S. and NATO's expansion, intended to bring Ukraine out of Russia's sphere of influence. is seen as having a flaw

Nun Dan daily, the Communist Party mouthpiece of Vietnam, reported on the two sides' arguments at the UN Security Council's emergency meeting on Ukraine on Tuesday. Not only through Russian and Chinese agents. but through the US There was also a speech by the ambassador.

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